♥ 2 chorizos veganos (ver la receta aquí)
♥ 1 placa de hojaldre vegano
♥ 1 pimiento verde
♥ 1 cebolla
♥ 2 dientes de ajo
♥ aceite de oliva
Para los chorizos:
♥ 3 cdas de gluten de trigo
♥ 200g de soja texturizada
♥ 100g de copos de avena finos
♥ 20g de alga cochayuyo seca
♥ 3 tomates secos picados
♥ 2 cdas de harina de garbanzos + 4 cdas de agua
♥ un chorro de vino blanco
♥ un chorro de aceite de oliva
♥ 4 cdtas de pimentón ahumado
♥ 4 cdtas de pimentón rojo picante
♥ 1 cda de orégano
♥ 100g de copos de avena finos
♥ 20g de alga cochayuyo seca
♥ 3 tomates secos picados
♥ 2 cdas de harina de garbanzos + 4 cdas de agua
♥ un chorro de vino blanco
♥ un chorro de aceite de oliva
♥ 4 cdtas de pimentón ahumado
♥ 4 cdtas de pimentón rojo picante
♥ 1 cda de orégano
♥ 3 dientes de ajo picados
♥ un pizca de pimienta negra
♥ 1 cdta de sal
Ver la receta completa de Chorizos veganos con las instrucciones de elaboración aquí.

For the Chorizo:
♥ 3 tablespoons vital wheat gluten
♥ 7 ounces textured vegetable protein (TVP)
♥ 1 cup, plus 1 3/4 tablespoons rolled oats
♥ .7 ounces dried seaweed
♥ 3 sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
♥ 2 tablespoons chickpea flour, plus 4 tablespoon water
♥ A splash of white wine
♥ A splash of olive oil
♥ 4 teaspoons smoked paprika
♥ 4 teaspoons spicy red pepper
♥ 1 tablespoon oregano
♥ 3 garlic cloves, minced
♥ A pinch of black pepper
♥ 1 teaspoon salt
For the Rolls:
♥ 2 vegan chorizos
♥ 1 sheet vegan puff pastry
♥ 1 green pepper
♥ 1 onion
♥ 2 garlic cloves
♥ Olive oil, as needed
♥ un pizca de pimienta negra
♥ 1 cdta de sal
Ver la receta completa de Chorizos veganos con las instrucciones de elaboración aquí.

- Cortamos el pimiento y la cebolla en juliana y picamos los ajos. Calentamos un poco de aceite en una sartén y salteamos la verdura.
- Marcamos los chorizos a la plancha.
- Cortamos el hojaldre en dos rectángulos. En el centro de cada uno colocamos el salteado de pimiento y cebolla y los chorizos. Cerramos los hojaldres sellando los bordes.
- Precalentamos el horno a 180ºC y horneamos los hojaldres 15-20 minutos hasta que el hojaldre se cocine bien.

Read this recipe in English below
For the Chorizo:
♥ 3 tablespoons vital wheat gluten
♥ 7 ounces textured vegetable protein (TVP)
♥ 1 cup, plus 1 3/4 tablespoons rolled oats
♥ .7 ounces dried seaweed
♥ 3 sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
♥ 2 tablespoons chickpea flour, plus 4 tablespoon water
♥ A splash of white wine
♥ A splash of olive oil
♥ 4 teaspoons smoked paprika
♥ 4 teaspoons spicy red pepper
♥ 1 tablespoon oregano
♥ 3 garlic cloves, minced
♥ A pinch of black pepper
♥ 1 teaspoon salt
For the Rolls:
♥ 2 vegan chorizos
♥ 1 sheet vegan puff pastry
♥ 1 green pepper
♥ 1 onion
♥ 2 garlic cloves
♥ Olive oil, as needed
To Make the Chorizo:
- Soak the TVP in warm water or vegetable broth for 20 minutes. Drain well, pressing it into the colander a little to squeeze out the maximum amount of water.
- Separately soak the dried seaweed in water until it becomes soft. Drain well.
- In a blender or food processor, combine the TVP and seaweed.
- Put the mixture in a large bowl and add oats, garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, and spices through pepper. Mix well.
- Add the vital wheat gluten, a splash of white wine, and a splash of olive oil and begin to knead the mixture with your hands until well blended. It is advisable to let the dough rest for several hours or overnight for thorough mixing of all flavors.
- Make an "egg" by mixing chickpea flour and water with a fork. Incorporate the "egg" in the bowl with the dough and mix again. Now, the dough is ready to prepare the sausages.
- Divide the dough into equal portions with your hands, give each piece an elongated shape, and wrap each in plastic wrap. Twist the ends tightly and tie with twine.
- We heat large amounts of water in a pot and cook the sausages 20 minutes in boiling water. Another option is to steam the sausages for 20 minutes.
To Make the Rolls:
- Julienne pepper and onion and chop the garlic. Heat a little oil in a pan and fry the vegetables. In a separate pan, grill the sausages.
- Cut the puff pastry into two rectangles. In the center of each, place the sautéed peppers, onions, and sausages.Wrap them up and seal the edges.
- Preheat oven to 355°F and bake the puff pastry 15-20 minutes, until the pastry is cooked through.
El sabor del chorizo esta muy bien conseguido. Muchas gracias por esta receta, estamos buscando formas de implementar productos veganos/vegetarianos a nuestra planta de producción y este parece un buen comienzo. GRACIAS!